Thursday, November 17, 2011

Crazy Art I Saw In Belgium - Part 3

I'm no art expert at all.  Sure I make art all the time, but frankly I have no idea what's good art and what's bad art. I just make things that I like and hope others feel the same way.  On my recent trip to Belgium I came across a lot of art, and much of this art was a little strange to me.  I'm not saying it was bad, I'm just saying that I don't understand the narrative that the artist was trying to get across.
This might be one of the first pieces of modern art that I was able to "figure out".  Sure it looks like a random grouping of steel beams and half circles but look closer.  I think it's and octopus. I'm not sure why an office complex would want a giant steel octopus, but I can't argue that they are one of the creepiest cool animals in the world.
