Friday, November 10, 2017

Friday Trave Tip - Islamabad - Dangers in Pakistan and its Capital City

I'm probably not wrong in assuming that you won't be choosing Islamabad as your vacation destination any time soon.  For most of the western world, Pakistan is seen as a dangerous place, and that idea is not totally wrong.  While the people of this country are very friendly, and the entire surroundings can be stunningly beautiful, the problems are something you can't overlook.  The best way to describe the problems are simple, when it's fine, it's perfectly safe, but when things go wrong it's very bad. Make sure to check with your own government about danger levels and heed their advice.

Assuming that you're traveling here for work, there are a few things that should be obviously to you.  Pakistan is not the kind of place you want to just show up, planning ahead is crucial.  Most people arrive to Islamabad airport with planned pick up, sometimes in an armored vehicle.  Locals will find this odd, but since obvious foreigners are targets, it's not a bad idea.

As soon as you get into the city you'll discover that the hotels are very well guarded.  All of the major hotels have high razor wired walls, multiple checks to get in, including metal detectors for all who enter.  For the most part these hotels are beautiful and safe, however there has been bombings in the past and bad people in the area will target them if they get the chance.

The other things many westerners should think about when traveling to Islamabad and Pakistan, is food safety.  The food and drinking water should be taken as being dangerous all of the time. All food should be cooked or in the case of fruits and vegetables have a thick skin. The biggest mistake made by travelers is the assumption that hotels are a safe haven when it comes to food safety. While many hotels and fine restaurants claim to take precautions, the best tip I can give you is avoid ice and lettuce always.

Pakistan right now is not a safe place for some foreigners, however if you do happen to come for some reason, make sure to see what you can. The key thing is to see things safely and make sure your actions are planned.