Thursday, September 12, 2024

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

New Podcast About Comics!

 Me and my friend Chetan host a new podcast called Geek Shop where you can listen to two creators talk about the comic books they create (as well as the comics and pop culture that’s influenced them. Check out Geek Shop Issue 1 right now.

Colouring Page 21 of Chapter 2

 Colouring up page 21 of Blue Orchid Chapter 2.

Pick up the latest Blue Orchid comics or merchandise right now at

Do You Know Snack Facts?

You can learn some really fun facts about the snacks you love in a really fun way, and all you have to do is pick up my comic Snack Facts.

Check out Snack Facts right now at or on Amazon.

Tuesday Time Lapse - Geyser Explosion

 Watching and waiting for a geyser to explode in Iceland.

A #leopard hiding amongst the rocks in the #Serengeti in the #Tanzania. A daily photo from my…

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Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Colouring Page 18 of Chapter 2

 Colouring up page 18 of Blue Orchid Chapter 2.

Pick up the latest Blue Orchid comics or merchandise right now at

That Blue Orchid is Awesome!

 If you haven't yet picked up issue 1 of Blue Orchid, make sure you get it soon, because issue 2 is almost done.

Check out all things Blue Orchid at and pick up issue 1 on Amazon.

Tuesday Time Lapse - Bangkok Highways

 A quick drive on the highways in and around Bangkok, Thailand.

A herd of #Elephants grazing in the #Serengeti in the #Tanzania. A daily photo from my…

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