So you find yourself stuck in an airport for 3 hours longer than you expected. You could go off an buy an overpriced magazine, or you could explore all the fine sites available in the departures waiting area.

Examining the latest selection of fragrances available in bottles that are sure to make even Snoop Dogg say "that's a little too much" is a wonderful chance to think about Christmas gifts for mom and dad.

You can always pick up some overpriced "British candy".

While you're at it, why not pick up some overpriced North American Candy too.

An airport waiting area is a great place to admire art, such as this piece which demonstrates the fine art of blocking the way of people carrying large amounts of luggage with little to no sleep.

These fun little sculptures are designed for kids to play on. Can't you imagine all of the fun a little tike might have pretending that he or she is being attacked by giant scary metal extrusions.

If all of this is too overwhelming you can always seek comfort from the large moose dressed as a Mountie.