The other night Allison and I went to the Ted x Athens lecture.
It was pretty cool and we heard some awesome people speak. We also got to see so many other cool things that happen all around the lecture. Check out the giant paper airplane.
They also had an electric car that was way too small to carry my groceries.
Everywhere you sat things were just a little bit strange. For example, all of the chairs were in fact mattresses stacked up. That's because one of the sponsors was a mattress company. You could tell there was lots of companies supporting the Ted X lecture, and best of all we got all kinds of free swag:
Like this cool tote bag... that was really handy to hold all the swag I got.
I got an official Ted x book, I'm going to use this to impress my intellectual friends. I'll put it prominently on my shelf so those in the know will see it and know I've been to a cool event.
I got a bunch of flyers and pieces of paper, I'm not sure what I'll do with them. Most likely I'll use the Coca-Cola one as a bookmark.
I got a poster with exactly 11 motivational sayings.
Some snacks and cooking ingredients.
Some mints because obviously my breath stinks.
I even got some seeds to plant, take care of for the first few months, forget about, and eventually kill.
I got a cool name tag that reminds me of my name, and of the fact that went to the lecture. Both valuable pieces of information.
I got this envelope promoting a smart phone social network. Since I don't have a smart phone I'll just play with the stickers that came with it.
Finally I got some new slippers, it's as if they knew my old ones were wearing out. I'm wearing my new slippers right now and they're very comfortable.