Thursday, October 4, 2012

Websites I Use Regularly To Which I Am Ashamed - How To Tie A Tie

I'm not sure if I'm more ashamed of not knowing how to tie a tie (and constantly forgetting) or if I'm ashamed that I wear a tie somewhat regularly.  My punk rock friends from high school would probably say the latter.  But I do on occasion have to wear a tie, and for the life of me I can't ever remember how to tie it.  It seems that every time I start to figure it out, a month or two goes by where I don't have to wear it again and I forget.  This is why I regularly consult  That's right, it's a site all about how to tie and tie many different ways.  I'm partial to the four in hand knot, because it's asymmetrical and therefore never has to be perfect.
I'd like to thank Mr Hendrik for making this very easy to use site, even though there's something very smug about him.
