Friday, June 28, 2013

Signs I Like

Great play on words.
Every time I see a German sign with the word "fahrt" in it, I giggle.
On Farnkfurter and Frankfurter, this is not easy to navigate at all.


Thursday, June 27, 2013

Monastery Bathrooms

On a recent trip to Meteora I realized that each and every one of their famous monasteries had a bathroom.
I did everything I could to visit them all.
I only managed to visit 4 of the bathrooms, but the views from them were spectacular.


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Monday In The Ottawa Citizen

I rarely write about serious things on this blog, however I do occasionally write about serious things. So here's a serious thing I wrote about for the Ottawa Citizen.

Click here to read it.


Friday, June 21, 2013

Signs I Like

A truer slogan there has never been.
It's some kind of yarn monster.
I'd love to play with a giant chameleon.


Friday, June 14, 2013

Signs I Like

I'm pretty sure that Balzac is an insult.
The dryer door as a sign for a laundry mat is clever, putting the sock hanging out is pure genius.
I could not comment on this piece of street art without being offensive.


Friday, June 7, 2013

Signs I Like

This Panda was brought to you by many sponsors, I think more animals should have sponsors too.
Wurst parade ever.
I wonder if the guys at the bottom are unhappy?
