Hey there friend, I just thought I'd let you know that I found your notes on a desk in my class this morning. I'm sure you just accidentally forgot your pages with the answer to every question Stephen Hawkins has ever had, lying around for me to ponder. Sure you're smart, I can see that, you write pages filled with writing that appears to be in English style text but frankly means nothing to my peanut brain. I'm sure you're a really nice guy, and I'll even go so far as to avoid the stereotype and say that you might even be really cool. It's just that you make me mad, you make me mad because I'm convinced you left these notes here just to make me feel stupid. The thing is, I'll never tell you that you make me mad because chances are you're either a doctor, an engineer, or a nuclear scientist, and those are the kind of people that you really want on your side should the Zombie invasion actually take place.
Your pal